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Students Leadership Basic Training

My school has a mandatory program for train students a leadership leason which teaches by the army. I've done student leadership basic training three days ago. Students Leadership Basic Training was held by school and its mandatory for all of the 10th graders in SMAN 3 Bandung. Now, i will tell you more details about my experiences during Student Leadership Basic Training.
Students Leadership Basic Training was held for three days, from 21-23 September 2017. We were required to gather at 06.30 am in Pussenif field. More precisely the Pussenif field is located at W.R.Supratman street number 60, Sukamaju, Cibeunying Kidul, Bandung City. Students Leadership Basic Training consits the 10th graders in SMAN 3 Bandung and the 11th graders who didn't attend Students Leadership Basic Training last year.
This event started on Thursday, 21 September 2017. Two days before this event, we attend the technical meeting of this event so we can understand the technical referrals.

On Thursday, we've been told by the teacher to wear school uniforms and brought a school cap. We divided into ten groups which were sorted by absence number. Groups of guys and girls were separated. I was in group J which was the same as group 10. Before this activity begins, we have been told by the teacher, what things we should bring for three days. It's quite a lot. So many of us who wore carriers, suitcase, and any bag that might fit for the item that already commanded by the teacher.
We were directed to do the opening ceremony. We were receiving a sign in the form of a red ribbon as the sign of the training participants. After that, we went straight into the Grha Yudha Wastu Pramukha hall to be told yell-yell. For example, if the army asked "siapa kita?" we should answer "sman 3! luar biasa!'' while applause  and shouting "ha! ha! hahaha!"
we were also given the material about leadership. At the time, our headmaster said we should be grateful because this event was held for free, we dont have to spend our money. At 12.00pm we were all set to sit in pairs and lunch, but instead of regular lunch we all should not be talking and have to sit erect and eat turns his food exchanged with friends and timing limited.After that we do PBB and we are all herded into every barracks and cleared luggage. Then we go into the hall and are given more material. After that at 22.00 we rest.

In the middle of the night by shouting the coaches also with the noisy siren sound, it was the most panic thing we ever felt in the activity. we hurried to get up very quickly and put on the clothes they ordered, and then we were ordered to gather in the field.
Although this activity made us all to be always ready and tense because it was our first experience of being trained by a soldier, but we must always be happy and happy in doing the activity. Because the coaches give us the spirit as they give the singing and we sing together.
Because among us there is one wearing clothes then given punishments such as push-ups, sit-ups, and other gymnastics in the middle of the field ball around 01.00pm.
In the morning we trained the UN, trained in a long time from 07.30am to 17.00pm. we all get a new lesson, from which can not at all be able, and from which can already be an example for those who have not. though tired but you all like to be trained like this. we rest only when praying and eating.
Night we are doing "caraka malam" or "jurit malam" in the park cemetery Cikutra street heroes, initially we all feel panicked and scared because the first time at night we visited the tomb. There we are divided into groups of which each group consists of three people. when we are carrying out we are prohibited from carrying any items, including flashlights.

Today is the last day, we all have fun, do the out bound in the back yard, there are six games. it is not felt today is the last day. after we finished playing we all aimed to the barracks and watch the movie "G 30 SPKI", hahaha there are some of my friends who even fall asleep. at about 2:30 we cleared the luggage and headed for the field to perform the closing ceremony.


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